Daniel Zomparelli’s Book Launch!

terribleDaniel’s new book, Everything is Awful and You’re a Terrible Person, is coming out from Arsenal Pulp Press! I’ve raved about him before.  If you’ve read his first book, Davie Street Translations, you know why you’ll want to be here for this.  If you haven’t, find it for purchase at your local bookstore or direct from Talonbooks here.

March 25th 7:30 pm

Cartem’s Donuts at 2190 Main St. in Vancouver

Event details here.

Daniel says:

“Hi friends and potential new friends, my book comes out soon. The launch will be at a donut shop and booze will be available along with the book.

I will probably read for a very short time but mostly would like to eat donuts and drink wine.

Here is some actual info on the book including nice things people have said about it:

Pulp Fiction will be at the launch to sell books because they are cuties.

The space is accesible, no stair ways and is on street level.

Hope to see you there! ♥”

Launch of “Make it True: Poetry from Cascadia”

Make_It_True_Front_Cover-Hi_ResPandora’s Collective Presents Twisted Poets Literary Salon:

Launch of “Make it True: Poetry from Cascadia” (Leaf Press, 2015)
Readings from the Anthology
There will be NO OPEN MIC on this night.
Host: Bonnie Nish

Featured readers:
Daphne Marlatt, Robert Lashley, Paul Nelson, Thomas Walton, Judith Roche, Crystal Hurdle, Nadine Maestas, Anastacia Tolbert, Sarah de Leeuw, Hope Anderson, Susan McCaslin, George Stanley, Stephen Collis, Cath Morris, Jordan Abel, Meredith Quartermain, Renee Rodin, Heidi Greco, Lary Timewell, Renee Saklikar, Daniela Elza.

details are here:


Congrats to COV Book Award Winner Wayde Compton!

waydeAward for Wayde is well-deserved.  Incredible.

“Since 1989, the annual City of Vancouver Book Award has been recognizing authors of excellence of any genre who contribute to the appreciation and understanding of Vancouver’s history, unique character, or the achievements of its residents.

The $3,000 prize is funded by the City’s Publishing Reserve, which was established in 1977 as a permanent legacy for Vancouver writers and publishers.”


Fred Wah Launches “Scree”

Here is the full footage from Wah’s launch of “Scree”.  Amazing.  Readings and comments from Jeff Derksen, Daphne Marlatt, Colin Browne, Larissa Lai, and many other very talented folks!

“The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991 is the first volume of Wah’s collected works, gathering 13 out-of-print or rare books into one elegant volume published by Talonbooks in the fall of 2015 and launched at the Western Front in Vancouver, BC on October 29, 2015. This is the full-length footage from that launch. Learn more about the book, or order a copy, here: http://talonbooks.com/books/scree

Fred Wah was one of the founding editors of the poetry newsletter TISH, winner of a BC Book Prize, winner of a Governor-General’s Award, and winner of the Stephanson Award for Poetry. He is a member of the Order of Canada and served as Canada’s Parliamentary Poet Laureate from 2011 to 2013.”

“Narration is at the heart of sensemaking:” An Interview with Meredith Quartermain

quarterThis is a great set of insights into the writing of Quartermain, a favourite BC writer for a long time now.  Enjoy.

“We narrate the world to ourselves through a myriad of lenses. We narrate ourselves to ourselves. We narrate every encounter with what we think of as out there with what we think of as inside. Mostly this is quite unconscious, but if we stop to listen to what is passing through our thoughts, we hear continuous narration visited upon us through the various discourses of our culture. I like to think of the thing we call self as a crossroads where a number of narrators are conversing. So narration is at the heart of sensemaking.”


Elena Johnson Interview with Rob Taylor

e_johnson_bA good interview with Elena Johnson regarding her book Field Notes for the Alpine Tundra, at Rob Taylor’s great site.  Well worth a read!


In 2008, Elena Johnson was invited to be the writer-in-residence at a remote ecology research station in the Yukon’s Ruby Range mountains. For several weeks she lived in the alpine tundra, working alongside a team of biologists whose research interests ranged from plants to marmots and ptarmigan. Field Notes for the Alpine Tundra is the result of that residency, evidence that “Each landscape leaves its mark– / a scratch at the heart”.