Reading today in New West

Hey folks! Doing a reading in New West (at Heritage Grill) today if you’re in the ‘hood. See below for safety details and event info!



The Return of Poetic Justice/ Poetry New Westminster
Sunday August 2, 2020
The Heritage Grill
447 Columbia Street
New Westminster
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Featured Poet: Mariner Janes
(Please come a little earlier for the Covid-19 screening & our new safety talk)
– new Covid-19 safety protocols in place.
– There will be coronavirus screening procedures in place. Contact tracing information collected; Name, phone #, temperature reading taken, & self-evaluation questionnaire related to the novel coronavirus.
– Social distancing seating.
– Limited seating. 30 people maximum. Please let me know in advance if you are planning to attend.
– Please sit within your social bubbles.
– after each poet microphone will be disinfected with wipes.
– Poetry. books. Prizes. Trivia. Fun.
– FREE masks available to those who have not brought their own.
– $3 cover. half of cover collected will go to featured poet. The other half to outset new costs associated with covid-19 protocols.
***Sunday August 2***
– – $100 give away (please remember to bring the fake money you have previously earned, as the individual who has gathered the most throughout the season will be awarded the $100. * this will be the 4th time I’ve given away $100 of my own funds at Poetic Justice / Poetry New WestminsterHOTC bud2