BREAKING NEWS FROM THE POETRY WORLD: “The art of murmur and whispers”…

304745-khushwantRare that I get to write that.  However, Indian poet Arundhati Subramaniam has won the inaugural Khushwant Singh memorial prize for poetry at the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival this year.

“Accepting the prize from Suhel Seth, who instituted it in the memory of late writer and journalist Khushwant Singh, Subramaniam said, ‘Poetry today is a muted form… poets feel inconsequential and unheard. An award like this is far more affirming than I imagine. It says that this art of murmur and whispers still counts.'”

Well put.  Keep up the good murmur work.

Strangers on a Train Jan 20th

aaronkevinphinderA great reading at the Railway Club as part of the Strangers on a Train series (which I read at previously).  Phenomenal lineup including:

Julie Paul (The Pull of the Moon)
Phinder Dulai (Basmati Brown; dream/arteries)
Aaron Peck (The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis; Letters to the Pacific)
Kevin Chong (Baroque-a-Nova; Neil Young Nation)
Amy Sture (Langara student writer)

A pleasure to hear these great writers read from their work.  This series is a great event – packed this time, so come early to the next!

New vancouver poets folio from lemonhound

lemonMany thanks to the amazing folks at Lemonhound ( for including me in a list of Vancouver poets! It’s a pretty astounding list, and really pushes home the number of great writers that are filling our city streets.  And apartment buildings and houses.  The below-mentioned Rob Taylor is in there, as are Alex Leslie, Elee Kraljii Gardiner, Shazia Hafiz Ramjii, Andrew McEwan, Cail Judy (remember this bit we did together?), Chris Gilpin, Jennifer Zilm…and more!