Garry Morse the amazing….

garrymorseThe uber-talented and clever Mr. Morse wrote a series of “meta-texts”looking at different themes and ideas through the lens of many different poets.  It veers from writer to artist to musician and composer with a dextrous hand.  Well worth a read.

you can find Mr. Morse here:


and here:

Celebrate Banned Books Week With Your Favorite Comic

A very readable article on Banned Books Week: Maus, Moore and Gaiman!

Eleventh Stack

Comics Code Authority Seal Almost all comics published between 1954 and the 2000s bore this seal, indicating they met a set of rigid standards pertaining to sexuality, violence, and other things.

Yesterday began this year’s Banned Books Week, and lists maintained by the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the American Library Association show that comics are as susceptible to banning as their prose cousins.

In a way, it’s flattering to the medium that comics and graphic novels are being challenged and banned in public school systems and libraries each year alongside well-known literary classics (“challenged” means someone wanted the book removed but was unsuccessful in their bid, and the book remained on the shelves).

It means kids are reading these books, that they’re making it onto curricula and reading lists, and that they’re making people uncomfortable.

But kids have been reading comics since adults have been publishing them. And the history of censorship…

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